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Writer's pictureBenedetta Andreotti

Beetroot Tagliatelle

A pasta dish that will knock your socks off… this sauce is purple perfection! 💜


Did you know that there are several varieties of beetroots with colours such as white, gold and purple? Beetroots belong to the same family of spinach and chard and they are consumed mostly in Central and Eastern Europe. One of the most popular beetroot dishes is beetroot soup that originates from Ukraine called “borscht”. Beetroots are vegetables rich in essential minerals. They contain folic acid, which is important for pregnant women, as it prevents the formation of defects in the neural tube during pregnancy. They also contain good amounts of calcium and iron. Calcium is a mineral found in dairy products such as milk and yogurt, but it is also possible to find it in vegan sources such as kale, spinach, collard greens and also beetroot. Its function is to strengthen your teeth and bones as well as improve your nervous system. Iron helps to transport oxygen throughout the body and is particularly needed during pregnancy and during the menstrual cycle. The pigment responsible for the red colour of the beetroots called betacyanin protects against bladder cancer. Studies have also shown that beetroots are one of the richest sources of glutamine, which is an essential amino acid that keeps the intestinal tract healthy and improves gut health. Finally, it is important to point out that beetroots contain the antinutrient oxalate. The majority of people eliminate this compound in the stool or urine, but if you suffer from kidney stone disease, it is recommended to avoid consumption of beetroots.

What You Need:

80 g of beetroot

60 g of soy milk

120 g of tagliatelle

29 g of feta cheese


Allergens: gluten, eggs, milk, soya

1 serving


1. Chop your beetroots into quarters

2. Put in a blender with soy milk

3. Blend until you get a smooth consistency

4. Boil your tagliatelle with salt to taste

5. Once your pasta has finished cooking, drain the water

6. Place pasta in a serving bowl and pour your beetroot mixture on top

7. Mix together

8. Serve on a plate with crumbled feta cheese on top

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